Monday, November 22, 2010

Exercises You Can Do to Lose Weight After Giving Birth

Great Ways To Shed Post Pregnancy Pounds.

After giving birth, women are usually too tired from caring for a newborn that they don't have enough energy for most things, including exercise. That means it's not likely that you'll go to the gym or even that you'll take to the outdoors to go for a walk or run. It's also worth noting that your new child will need to keep you close at all times. So, not only do you need to find the motivation for exercise, you need to find the time to take it on. The good news is that this article will talk about three exercises that will help you lose weight quickly and that you can do all from your home while your baby is sleeping. Don't you want to keep reading?

Leg Kicks: This is a great exercise to get your heartbeat up and strengthens your abs. To start, lie down on your side with your body bent at the waist in a pike position. The bottom leg stays bent so that you can maintain your balance and the top leg stays straight as you bring it as far forward as you can. With your leg up in the air, move it so that it hovers over your bottom leg. Repeat this motion ten times without lowering your leg. Roll over and do the same with the other leg. Three reps of ten on each side will give you the results you want very fast.

The Super Crunch: This exercise should be included as part of every post-birth workout. In this particular exercise lie down, bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the floor. Keeping your hands behind your head, breathe in and out while you suck in your abs and lift your head and shoulders up off of your floor. Hold that position for a moment while you lift your knees up off of the floor until they touch your elbows (keep your hips off the ground). Slowly put your body back into its beginning position. The goal is to do between twelve and twenty reps of this, which will help get your abs into fabulous shape in no time (which is just how fast you will lose the weight too).

The Bicycle: No, this does not involve riding a real bike. This is an ab exercise that works really well for women who want to lose weight after giving birth. First, lie on the floor with your knees bent and your calves parallel to the floor. Your hands should go behind your head and you need to breathe in and then out while you draw in your abs. Keep your posterior muscles relaxed as you stretch out your right leg and move your right shoulder to your left knee. Your head and shoulders should not be resting on the floor for this movement. After going back to the beginning position, repeat the motion on the other side. Do three sets of twelve to twenty of these a day and before you know it, your pregnancy weight will be gone.

All done! Those are some of the best ways for you to lose weight until you get back to your pre-pregnancy weight. Use these tips and you will see just how quickly you can get back to your old size.

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